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Countries 1 - 50 of 238.
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Country   Visitors 
1. Philippines3,656,222
2. India1,902,363
3. Cambodia1,251,585
4. United States656,090
5. Malaysia583,157
6. United Arab Emirates510,176
7. Pakistan425,592
8. Singapore353,444
9. United Kingdom231,686
10. Thailand224,309
11. Bangladesh222,745
12. Canada160,059
13. Nepal159,088
14. Indonesia146,487
15. France127,991
16. Sri Lanka109,980
17. Germany103,737
18. Australia98,927
19. Saudi Arabia91,234
20. Qatar85,792
21. Turkey81,756
22. Netherlands79,958
23. Vietnam79,299
24. Japan74,077
25. Italy64,330
26. Kuwait61,769
27. Egypt61,747
28. South Korea55,386
29. Russia52,349
30. Myanmar41,813
31. Hong Kong39,743
32. Taiwan39,341
33. Nigeria33,743
34. Brunei Darussalam31,282
35. New Zealand30,489
36. South Africa28,311
37. Spain26,062
38. Iraq25,266
39. Israel24,171
40. Brazil24,126
41. Bahrain23,360
42. Romania20,774
43. Mexico20,392
44. Oman19,919
45. Poland19,243
46. Greece18,976
47. Morocco18,805
48. Sweden18,096
49. Algeria17,514
50. Ireland16,750
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