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Countries 1 - 50 of 238.
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Country   Visitors 
1. Philippines5,681,233
2. India2,316,524
3. Cambodia1,579,615
4. United States959,259
5. United Arab Emirates861,107
6. Malaysia715,517
7. Pakistan676,340
8. Singapore521,796
9. Thailand373,056
10. Bangladesh365,665
11. United Kingdom353,893
12. Indonesia287,293
13. Canada260,639
14. Nepal242,567
15. Sri Lanka186,178
16. France184,442
17. Germany167,390
18. Vietnam150,820
19. Turkey138,887
20. Qatar135,783
21. Japan133,320
22. Netherlands124,651
23. Saudi Arabia123,162
24. Australia120,525
25. Italy114,173
26. Egypt110,683
27. Kuwait102,536
28. South Korea83,905
29. Taiwan68,105
30. Hong Kong63,493
31. Russia56,958
32. Myanmar56,849
33. New Zealand51,834
34. Brunei Darussalam50,109
35. Nigeria48,112
36. Iraq44,148
37. Spain43,368
38. South Africa42,363
39. Israel39,972
40. Bahrain39,619
41. Brazil38,150
42. Greece37,212
43. Romania36,579
44. Poland36,173
45. Morocco34,047
46. China33,389
47. Oman32,606
48. Mexico31,919
49. Algeria30,522
50. Ireland29,783
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