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Countries 1 - 50 of 238.
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Country   Visitors 
1. Philippines5,504,595
2. India2,275,500
3. Cambodia1,570,250
4. United States930,392
5. United Arab Emirates831,891
6. Malaysia706,725
7. Pakistan649,967
8. Singapore507,280
9. Thailand353,354
10. Bangladesh352,598
11. United Kingdom343,241
12. Indonesia269,399
13. Canada251,127
14. Nepal235,384
15. France181,820
16. Sri Lanka179,301
17. Germany160,421
18. Vietnam142,110
19. Qatar131,696
20. Turkey130,227
21. Japan127,405
22. Saudi Arabia120,262
23. Netherlands120,018
24. Australia119,173
25. Italy109,016
26. Egypt105,863
27. Kuwait99,168
28. South Korea81,039
29. Taiwan65,427
30. Hong Kong61,422
31. Russia56,416
32. Myanmar55,466
33. New Zealand49,468
34. Brunei Darussalam48,641
35. Nigeria46,643
36. Iraq42,180
37. Spain41,281
38. South Africa40,892
39. Israel38,358
40. Bahrain38,291
41. Brazil36,106
42. Greece35,718
43. Romania34,792
44. Poland34,146
45. Morocco32,753
46. China31,532
47. Oman31,327
48. Mexico30,334
49. Algeria29,476
50. Sweden28,451
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 >

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