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Countries 1 - 50 of 238.
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Country   Visitors 
1. Philippines3,653,376
2. India1,901,645
3. Cambodia1,251,027
4. United States655,622
5. Malaysia582,867
6. United Arab Emirates509,600
7. Pakistan425,274
8. Singapore353,170
9. United Kingdom231,489
10. Thailand224,089
11. Bangladesh222,522
12. Canada159,948
13. Nepal158,949
14. Indonesia146,349
15. France127,874
16. Sri Lanka109,855
17. Germany103,671
18. Australia98,884
19. Saudi Arabia91,191
20. Qatar85,702
21. Turkey81,693
22. Netherlands79,910
23. Vietnam79,222
24. Japan74,010
25. Italy64,289
26. Kuwait61,718
27. Egypt61,696
28. South Korea55,340
29. Russia52,344
30. Myanmar41,789
31. Hong Kong39,702
32. Taiwan39,299
33. Nigeria33,715
34. Brunei Darussalam31,245
35. New Zealand30,457
36. South Africa28,282
37. Spain26,052
38. Iraq25,240
39. Israel24,157
40. Brazil24,120
41. Bahrain23,326
42. Romania20,763
43. Mexico20,387
44. Oman19,903
45. Poland19,233
46. Greece18,958
47. Morocco18,765
48. Sweden18,084
49. Algeria17,494
50. Ireland16,735
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 >

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